Create a legacy.
Preserve your memoiries.

Comfort Keepers

Posted on: August 11th, 2012 by Todd Bramson

The Memoiry Journal is a proud partner of Comfort Keepers to support their mission of interactive caregiving. Comfort Keepers uses The Memoiry Journal to help enhance caregiver visits by guiding their clients to recollect the stories of their lives, and to ensure their top 100 most meaningful memoiries are recorded and passed along for generations to come.

“Comfort Keepers believes unremittingly in The Memoiry Journal. It is so consistent with our philosophy of interactive caregiving as to defy the imagination.”

-Steve Rudolph, Owner, Comfort Keepers Madison

Fighting the Good Fight

Posted on: August 1st, 2012 by Ben Newman

Guest Blog by Ben Newman

What a pleasure it is to find this website!  The concept of The Memoiry Journal is one that truly resonates with me.  My mother passed away just before my eighth birthday.  Many years after her death, my grandmother gave me a tremendous gift: my mother’s journal.  Reading it as an adult was a powerful experience for me.  While I always felt incredibly loved by my mother, I now had new insight into her courage, strength, and wisdom that set me on me on my path to success, even though she was only with me a short time.

“Our circumstances in life are much less significant than our responses to them, because it is not how long you live but how YOU choose to live your life.” 

This is one of the most important lessons I came to learn from my mother, Janet Fishman Newman. Read More

Racing with Mom

Posted on: July 2nd, 2012 by Todd Bramson

Kids are great memoiry-makers. While they may not remember to feed the cat or put their stuff away, they are great at remembering the things that matter to them. Here’s a memoiry from a young friend, Sam. He’s 12, and he remembers a special 4th of July.

My mom got it in her head that we should run a 5K. I play lacrosse and she takes an exercise class, but neither of us are runners. Every spring she talked about doing this one race that happens in our town on July 4th. She’d done it a few times before, but she never trained and never ran the whole thing. The summer I was 10, she decided this was the year and I was going to do it with her. I agreed, but I had no idea what I was getting into. Basically, I didn’t know what “training” meant. Read More

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